Francesco Mangini Elvira Bruno Robert W.W. Biederman Roberto Del Villano Roberto Rosato Eluisa Muscogiuri


INTRODUCTION: The COVID-19 pandemic is related to a higher incidence of myocarditis; we present a case series of seven patients, admitted with COVID-19 related acute myocarditis, evaluated with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, showing an altered profile of the free wall of the right ventricle, no longer present after six months follow-up. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seven patients have been evaluated for COVID-19 related acute myocarditis, all patients have been evaluated with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging both in the acute setting and after six months follow-up. RESULTS: In the acute phase, myocarditis was confirmed in keeping with the current diagnostic criteria. In five out of seven cases, the presence of a crinkling profile of the free wall of the right ventricle was observed; at six months follow up, remission in four out of the five cases and a significant reduction in the remaining case, of the previously described findings, was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Crinkling appearance in the profile of the free wall of the right ventricle, detectable with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, might represent a morphological feature present in the acute setting of COVID-19 related myocarditis; several underlying physiopathological mechanisms are conceivable. Further studies are needed to confirm this correlation, define the underlying mechanisms and the prognostic implication related to it. This is the first report in the literature that has considered such findings to the best of our knowledge.



cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, right ventricle, myocarditis, COVID-19 disease

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How to Cite
Mangini, F., Bruno, E., Biederman, R. W., Del Villano, R., Rosato, R., & Muscogiuri, E. (2022). Accordion sign in COVID 19 related acute myocarditis, an old sign for a novel context? A cardiac magnetic resonance case series report study. Archive of Clinical Cases, 9(3), Arch Clin Cases. 2022; 9(3):112-116.
Case Reports

How to Cite

Mangini, F., Bruno, E., Biederman, R. W., Del Villano, R., Rosato, R., & Muscogiuri, E. (2022). Accordion sign in COVID 19 related acute myocarditis, an old sign for a novel context? A cardiac magnetic resonance case series report study. Archive of Clinical Cases, 9(3), Arch Clin Cases. 2022; 9(3):112-116.