Luminita Gurguta Mihai V Marinca


We present the case of a 32-year old male, diagnosed in 2003 (at the age of 22) with stage IIB testicular cancer. After orchiectomy he had received 4 cycles of chemotherapy (BEP protocol). In 2013 the disease relapsed (S2-level tumor markers, multiple lung metastases, compressive and invasive abdomino-pelvic adenopathy). Performance status (PS) at presentation was poor (ECOG PS 2), he reported diffuse abdominal pain (VAS 5) and deep vein thrombosis in the right leg. Salvage chemotherapy (TIP protocol) was administered for 6 cycles, with grade 2-3 hematologic toxicity. Post-treatment evaluation revealed a good partial response: single pulmonary nodule (no FDG uptake), and 4.4-cm intraabdominal mass (SUV 6.0). Non-nerve-sparing salvage right retroperitoneal lymph node dissection was decided, and one microscopic focus of embryonal carcinoma was the only postoperative pathology finding. The patient is currently disease-free.



NSGCT, late relapse, salvage chemotherapy, response evaluation

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How to Cite
Gurguta, L., & Marinca, M. V. (2015). Late recurrence of an embryonal carcinoma of the testis. Case report. Archive of Clinical Cases, 2(2), Arch Clin Cases 2015; 2(2):53-57.
Case Reports

How to Cite

Gurguta, L., & Marinca, M. V. (2015). Late recurrence of an embryonal carcinoma of the testis. Case report. Archive of Clinical Cases, 2(2), Arch Clin Cases 2015; 2(2):53-57.