Andreea Bojoga Laura Stănescu Corin Badiu


Thyroid collision tumors are rare entities that designate two histologically and morphologically distinct tumors that occur simultaneously or as metastases from other organs within the thyroid. Medullary and papillary carcinoma co-occurrence is the most frequent. Several theories tried to explain the pathogenic mechanisms underlining collision tumors, including the theory which assumes that one tumor predisposes the other, stem cell theory, and random effect theory, but their combination better explains the origin of these tumors. Hypotheses about common genetic behavior responsible for the pathogenesis have also been suggested, such as the involvement of germline mutation of RET (Rearranged during Transfection) proto-oncogene in medullary thyroid carcinoma and papillary thyroid carcinoma coexistence, but there is controversy on this topic. Management of thyroid collision tumors is challenging owing to the presence of two distinct tumors with different biological aggressiveness, treatments options, and prognosis, and needs to be individualized.



cancer, thyroid, collision tumors

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How to Cite
Bojoga, A., Stănescu, L., & Badiu, C. (2021). Collision tumors of the thyroid. A special clinical and pathological entity. Archive of Clinical Cases, 8(4), Arch Clin Cases 2021; 8(4):84-90.

How to Cite

Bojoga, A., Stănescu, L., & Badiu, C. (2021). Collision tumors of the thyroid. A special clinical and pathological entity. Archive of Clinical Cases, 8(4), Arch Clin Cases 2021; 8(4):84-90.