Meningiomas – insights into genetics and correlations with histological features
Meningiomas are the most common intracranial tumors. They occur more frequently in women and may be completely asymptomatic. According to the World Health Organization, the ability to invade and to develop recurrences represents the criterion which is used to designate three grades of meningiomas. In the last decade, advanced knowledges in genetics and molecular biology have improved our understanding of the clinical behavior of meningiomas. In addition to mutation or loss of NF2 gene, recurrent mutations of other genes, such as TERT, TRAF7, AKT1, AKT3, SMO, KLF4, SMARCE1, POLR2A, SUFU, BAP-1, PIK3CA, TSLC1, CDNK2A, PTCH1, TP73, PTEN, NDRG2, S6K, and CDNK2B have been identified within subsets of meningiomas. This review provides an overview and updates of the current knowledge of the genetics of meningioma in correlation with its histopathology. The insights into genetics and molecular profile of meningiomas may provide a valuable step towards developing new therapeutic approach for this type of intracranial tumor.
meningioma, meningothelial cells, WHO grade, NF2, gene mutations
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