Imane Athmani Marie-Amelyne Le Rouzic Julie Valduga Ludovic Mansuy Audrey Contet Marie-Agnès Galloy Fanny Fouyssac Pascal Chastagner


Introduction: Burkitt lymphoma represents about 50% of non-Hodgkin lymphomas and 3% of cancers in children. It commonly affects the abdomen; however, pancreatitis is a very rare initial presentation. Less than 10 cases with this presentation are reported in the literature. Observation: We report the case of a six-year-old girl who presented a rapidly progressing obstructive jaundice evolving for a week. The LDH rate was not increased. Medical imaging has shown a global increase in the size of the pancreas, homogeneous hepatomegaly with dilatation of the gallbladder and the intra-hepatic bile ducts, and infiltration of the left ovary, without ascites. The patient was diagnosed with pancreatic Burkitt Lymphoma after an endoscopic exploration and tumor biopsy. Conclusion: While extremely rare, Burkitt lymphoma should be evoked in the case of pancreatitis with a global increase of the pancreas size, associated with other intra-abdominal organ infiltration in the pediatric population.



Burkitt lymphoma, pancreatic tumor, obstructive jaundice, children, chemotherapy

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How to Cite
Athmani, I., Le Rouzic, M.-A., Valduga, J., Mansuy, L., Contet, A., Galloy, M.-A., Fouyssac, F., & Chastagner, P. (2017). Pediatric pancreatic Burkitt lymphoma with obstructive jaundice: case report of a six-year-old child. Archive of Clinical Cases, 4(4), Arch Clin Cases 2017; 4(4):195-198.
Case Reports

How to Cite

Athmani, I., Le Rouzic, M.-A., Valduga, J., Mansuy, L., Contet, A., Galloy, M.-A., Fouyssac, F., & Chastagner, P. (2017). Pediatric pancreatic Burkitt lymphoma with obstructive jaundice: case report of a six-year-old child. Archive of Clinical Cases, 4(4), Arch Clin Cases 2017; 4(4):195-198.