Catalina Bistriceanu Florentina Anca Danciu Lucian Cracana Elena Rezus Carmen Volovat


Central nervous system (CNS) presentations of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) may be focal neurological and diffuse psychiatric manifestations. We are reporting a clinical case of severe neurologic manifestations on a 19 year old woman with SLE diagnosed in the Neurology clinic. Severe neurological involvement in SLE is one of the most dreadful complications of the disease, associated with a poor prognosis. The problem remains what is the molecular support of such an important cerebral event. Blood brain barrier endothelium is apparently a target for several pathogenic mechanisms that can account for the CNS manifestations of SLE. The autoimmune response in SLE might affect endothelial cells through several mechanisms and different mediators: endothelial activation/damage may be mediated by C1q.



Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, central nervous system, blood brain barrier, necrotizing encephalitis

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How to Cite
Bistriceanu, C., Danciu, F. A., Cracana, L., Rezus, E., & Volovat, C. (2014). Fulminant neurologic manifestation of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Archive of Clinical Cases, 1(3), Arch Clin Cases 2014; 1(3):112-116.
Case Reports

How to Cite

Bistriceanu, C., Danciu, F. A., Cracana, L., Rezus, E., & Volovat, C. (2014). Fulminant neurologic manifestation of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Archive of Clinical Cases, 1(3), Arch Clin Cases 2014; 1(3):112-116.