Vlad Pieptu Alexandru Mihai Nicolae Ghetu


Penile soft tissue defects can be caused by tumor excision, trauma, burns, Fourniers gangrene and self-mutilation. Reconstruction of such defects has been achieved through various methods (local or regional flaps, full-thickness or split-thickness skin grafts, skin substitutes). Although no consensus has been reached, it seems that split thickness skin grafts are the method of choice. Penis resurfacing is a delicate procedure, especially in potent men, as it aims normal coverage, sensibility, aesthetic aspect and restoring erectile function with sexual satisfaction. We present a case of traumatic avulsion of the anterior perineum successfully treated using split thickness skin grafts for the testicles and Integra for the penis. The follow-up period was 5 years. Functional result was excellent, the penile skin regaining its elasticity, flexibility and pliability. No urinary problems or erectile dysfunctions were noted. Due to its advantages (skin elasticity, limited hypertrophic scar formation and inhibited myofibroblasts contraction) Integra might be the optimal penile coverage solution.



integra, penis, resurfacing, degloving, avulsion

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How to Cite
Pieptu, V., Mihai, A., & Ghetu, N. (2014). Integra for penile coverage after traumatic degloving – case report. Archive of Clinical Cases, 1(3), Arch Clin Cases 2014; 1(3):98-101. https://doi.org/10.22551/2014.04.0103.10021
Case Reports

How to Cite

Pieptu, V., Mihai, A., & Ghetu, N. (2014). Integra for penile coverage after traumatic degloving – case report. Archive of Clinical Cases, 1(3), Arch Clin Cases 2014; 1(3):98-101. https://doi.org/10.22551/2014.04.0103.10021